
Thursday, October 20, 2016

A 21 year Old man Presents With A Rash On His Feet

An 21-year-old surfer presents to your office with a rash that he noted on his foot. The vesicular rash has been present over the last week and has been enlarging.
The rash is shown in picture below:

The most likely diagnosis is
A) Sea lice
B) Cutaneous larva migrans
C) Swimming pool granuloma
D) Jellyfish sting
E) Bathing suit dermatitis

Answer And Discussion:

The answer is B. (Cutaneous larva migrans)

Cutaneous larva migrans is also called the creeping eruption. The causative agent is a hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus). The organisms are found in the feces of dogs, cats, cattle, and monkeys. The larvae penetrate human skin (usually the feet after walking barefoot). The condition is more common in gardeners, sea bathers, plumbers, and farmers.
The lesion presents as a thin erythematous, serpiginous, raised tunnellike lesion. The larva die in 4 to 6 weeks; thus, the eruption is typically benign and self limited.
Treatment consists of topical steroids, topical or oral thiabendazole, albendazole, or liquid nitrogen.


  1. Hello, my name is Betty. i was diagnosed of HIV virus 4 years back. Before then, i was dating this Derrick guy. we had something great going on. Our love life only lasted for 8 months. the sixth and seven month of our relationship, i began feeling very weak every now and then. But i never suspected anything until I kept on experiencing different symptoms like having sore throats, constant headache, body weakness e.t.c. I decided to go for a medical check up. I was tested HIV positive. when the doctor broke the news to me, it was as if my whole world had crumbled. it dawned on me then that Derrick has been lying to me. i was very mad to an extent i almost committed suicide. But there was nothing i could do, other than weep and weep. ever since then, i have been spending heavily on medications, going from one medical clinic or the other so I can look healthy. Though since i was a kid, i love herbs a lot. i take herbal tea with grandma while growing so i am quite familiar with herbs. early last year, i was on the internet and on a particular health blog, to check for herbal medication as alternative. I saw many comments and read many testimonies. Until i came across a particular testimony on how Dr.ugo cured a patient from herpes simplex virus using pure natural herbs. i reached out to the doctor because I also was thinking Herpes had no cure. I told him about my HIV status.He encouraged me not to panic that he will help me get my deliverance. he prepared some herbs and sent them to me. The herbs were in four 70ml bottles and I took them morning and night. i used as he directed, and in less than three weeks, i started having appetite to eat plenty of food and i gained back my strength. the fourth week,I consumed all the herbal meds. He encouraged me to go for a test which i did. This time, the result was negative. I quickly contacted the doctor and informed him of the news. I immediately asked him to prepare for Derrick too. He did and sent it. Today, me and Derrick are HIV free. All thanks goes to God Almighty for healing us through Dr.Ugo. if you are having any kind of sickness at all, Dr.Ugo is the right person to talk to and i assure you, you will be glad you did. His email: you can also write him on WhatsApp +2348104990619.

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