
Monday, October 30, 2017

Some Limb Deformities in a Newborn

1. Metatarsus adductus. In metatarsus adductus, the forefoot is deviated medially and is slightly supinated. In the normal foot, a line drawn through the hindfoot will pass between the second and third toe. With metatarsus adductus, this line will pass lateral to the third toe. The prognosis is excellent, with most cases of metatarsus adductus resolving spontaneously.

2. Calcaneovalgus. Calcaneovalgus deformity of the foot is commonly associated with lateral tibial torsion. The forefoot is abducted, and the ankle is severely dorsiflexed to where the foot folds against the anterolateral surface of the tibia. The deformity is usually flexible, and the foot can be passively placed in the normal position. Calcaneovalgus deformity of the foot usually resolves spontaneously.

3. Talipes equinovarus. Talipes equinovarus, or club foot, has an incidence of approximately 1.5 in 1,000. Fifty percent of the time, the condition is bilateral. It can be associated with other conditions such as spina bifida and arthrogryposis. The foot turns inward and downward and remains tight in this position. Talipes equinovarus requires immediate evaluation since the timing of corrective casting, if necessary, can affect optimal outcome.